Accessories & Furnishings

Adorable nursery decor accessories under $35

Adorable nursery decor accessories under $35

IKEA's ALSKAD blanket. Author: IKEA

Accessories & Furnishings

Adorable nursery decor accessories under $35

Find budget-friendly decor accessories perfect for baby's first bedroom.

Decorating a nursery can feel both exciting and overwhelming, especially if you're trying to stay within a certain budget. From paint and wallpaper to furniture and accessories, there's a lot to consider (and purchase). To help keep designing baby's first bedroom stress-free, we've put together our list of budget-friendly nursery decor accessories. From wall decals to storage containers these adorable items are sure to add the perfect finishing touches to any nursery.

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Nursery decor accessories under $35

1 Photo frame

Display photos, cards or other mementos on this sleek clothesline frame. Clothesline Photo Display, Umbra, $35.

Image by: Style at Home By: Samantha Battistone Source: Umbra



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Accessories & Furnishings

Adorable nursery decor accessories under $35