Accessories & Furnishings
christmas tree decorating tips at the teatro verde store in bayview village

Accessories & Furnishings
christmas tree decorating tips at the teatro verde store in bayview village
A couple days ago, I made my way to
Bayview Village to get some very timely holiday inspiration. Away from the ever-increasing busyness of Toronto's downtown core, this chic little mall is filled with beautiful hand-picked stores that are stocked with special holiday finds. During my visit, I was introduced to Shawn Gibson, the talented co-founder of
Teatro Verde, a great resource for home decor items. Here are some of his tips to
decorate your Christmas tree to perfection this year, as well as a few of the pretty trees in the store.
What is this coveted designer's best advice to decorate your
Christmas tree?

- Think about consistency and harmony as you're placing your ornaments - this is what will give you a real professional look.
- Aim for a dozen ornaments in a similar style per foot of tree.
- Use garlands to create visual interest and break your tree into different sections.
- Start by adding inexpensive sets of ornaments in similar shades and then add your more interesting pieces at key places throughout.