Accessories & Furnishings

cool lcd notecard

Style at Home
Accessories & Furnishings

cool lcd notecard

lcdcard2lcdcard1There are two things I obsess over in life: new tech toys and pretty paper (Style at Home's web editor, Natalie Bahadur, and I go gaga over stationery; check out her Favourite Things blog for gorge goods). So, you can imagine how much I drooled over this crazy-cool card from Yellow Owl Workshop.

Printed on 100% recycled paper, the card features a debossed '80s-digital-style front that lets you fill in your own message. It also comes with a reference alphabet so you know what each letter should look like.

Super geek or super chic? I'd happily say both.

$5 US

Available at: Yellow Owl Workshop or Urban Outfitters

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Accessories & Furnishings

cool lcd notecard