Stephanie Trendocher & Jacklyn Warmington
Location: Hamilton, Ont.
What do you do for a living?
Stephanie: I work in Communications & Marketing but I've also interned at two magazine publications.
Jacklyn: I recently graduated from school and am working as a sales person by day, bartender by night.
What do you strive to bring to readers? Our blog is a snapshot of everything we love. We focus on beautiful spaces, lifestyle and interesting people and make an effort to showcase local and Canadian businesses, as well as young creative entrepreneurs. We want to inspire our readers to love their city, shop locally, and find beauty in everything they do.
Where do you look for inspiration for your blog? We're magazine addicts and we buy a lot of European titles (many of which we purchase for the visuals alone). We also love fashion, design and lifestyle blogs and books. The city we live in inspires us everyday, the architecture, the heritage, the arts, the vibrant community. [caption id="attachment_5623" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="A local favourite of the girls: Mulberry Street Coffeehouse in Hamilton"]

Describe your home in 6 words or less.
Stephanie: Sleek, modern, Victorian, French, elegant, airy
Jacklyn: Eclectic, warm, maximalist, musical
If one song, movie, or soundtrack could sum up your life, what would it be?
Stephanie: Since I was seventeen, I've been moved and inspired by Broken Social Scene's record
You Forgot It In People.
Jacklyn: Maria Mena's
White Turns Blue is one of my favourite albums.
What is your fave post? We love each and every post. They are all different, and with each one we've met amazing people with interesting stories. We prefer when our posts are personable, when they offer a little glimpse into our lives.
What has been your fave shopping find under $50?
Jacklyn: I have three maps framed - France, Italy and Europe. They're actually sheets of wrapping paper that I purchased for $6 each.
Stephanie: I recently purchased an ornate, carved, French style mirror for my bathroom. It had a small chip in the bottom that was easily fixed, but I was able to negotiate it down to $45. [caption id="attachment_5625" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Office space in Jacklyn's apartment"]

Where do you shop for items for your home?
Jacklyn: A lot of the pieces in my home -- side tables, shelves, etc. -- are pre-owned. I strip and paint a lot of pieces given to me or try and alter them in some way. I also love the antique shops throughout Hamilton. And HomeSense (obviously!).
Stephanie: My boyfriend and I recently purchased and moved into our new home, so furnishing it is a very gradual process. We were lucky enough to be able to design the inside to our choosing, so the past six months have been about selecting finishes. As we're starting to shop for furniture, I've been paying frequent trips to HomeSense. I also love Pure Home Couture, Liv by Au Lit, Ethan Allen, and Up Country.
If you could pick one celebrity (or writer or whomever) as the ideal reader for your blog, who would it be? We adore both
Garance Doré and
Todd Selby.
xo, Lauren
P.S. Interested in having your blog featured? E-mail us at