Accessories & Furnishings

nice buns

Style at Home
Accessories & Furnishings

nice buns

bunopener Unexpectedly, my blog post on my hate-on for furnishings with bun feet ignited a firestorm of controversy here at the STYLE AT HOME offices... It turns out, there are a number of bun feet supporters - my colleagues included - who were eager to point out that there are, in fact, tons of nice buns (sorry, couldn't resist) on the market. Our Senior Design Editor, Margot Austin, shared these beautiful bun contenders with me in an attempt to sway my opinion... I confess, this first one I love - it's an example of how a bun foot works well when used in conjunction with an open, airy-based piece of furniture. bun7 This one's quite pretty, too... bun2 bun1 bun3 bun5 bun6Aight, so maybe I'll have to temper my earlier opinion, and concede that there are, as Margot pointed out, good bun feet and bad bun feet. ;) Where do you stand on the great bun debate? Follow Style Sleuth on Twitter! Subscribe to Style Sleuth!


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Accessories & Furnishings

nice buns