Decorating & Design

Easy Decorating Ideas To Boost Your Mood

Easy Decorating Ideas To Boost Your Mood

Photography, Maxime Brouillet, Firme La Shed

Decorating & Design

Easy Decorating Ideas To Boost Your Mood

Bring out the best in you and your home with these easy decorating moves that will boost your mood.

We home design aficionados have long known that our homes both reflect and affect how we feel, and the experts agree. “The home is a space of refuge; it’s a reflection of our inner state,” says Gaëtan Roussy, president of L’Ordre des Psychologues du Québec, adding that our homes are, ideally, places where we feel less stressed and can rest our minds. “A home allows us to settle down, to take stock, to find our balance,” says Gaëtan. So if you feel your mood slipping into the blue zone, try these easy, economical ways to foster a sense of well-being at home.


8 Ways To Boost Your Mood At Home



Let the sun shine in

Sunlight is good for the spirit! People who have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are often treated to light therapy, which includes exposure
to sunlight. But you don’t have to have SAD to take in the therapeutic effects of sun. Open curtains and blinds and amplify available light with mirrors. At night, use a variety of artificial sources (table lamps, sconces, task and ambient lighting) for a well-lit, balanced lighting scheme. Warm-tinted bulbs are more relaxing than blue white; dimmers adjust to changing needs; and in the evenings, take a tip from the Scandinavians and light candles for a comforting, meditative soul-soothing glimmer.


Making Scents

Neuroscientists have identified strong connections between scent and memory, so it’s no surprise that the scent signature of your home can induce feelings of well-being. We all have highly personal reactions to scent. Some people are allergic to artificial fragrances; others are easily overwhelmed by strong scents (good or bad). Experiment to find what is appealing to you and those you live with. Some ways to bring feel-good scents home include the delicious smells of home cooking; wood fires; scented candles, diffuser sticks and aromatherapy diffusers; naturally scented home-cleaning products; and, of course, wonderful soothing bath products.




Sounds Good

Everyone knows the power of music to lift the spirits. Don’t forget this key way to de-stress at home. A good wireless sound system certainly makes a difference, but even a phone will play your favourite song when you feel low. Also consider natural sources, too, like a small tabletop water fountain, for soothing ambient sound.



Photo by Gap Interiors

How Touching!

We home decor lovers are obsessed with textures that soothe. Soothing fabrics are an easy way to instill comfort in our spaces – faux fur throws, velvet cushions, soft wool rugs and flannel sheets will all increase your pleasure in being at home.


Clutter Busting

There’s no need to pressure yourself or seek perfection when it comes to decluttering, but it’s undeniable that a tidy, organized home (whether you’re a maximalist or minimalist) is less stressful than repeatedly hunting for keys, tripping over clothing, or feeling overwhelmed by bins of photos (actual prints!) from years gone by. Start small. Experts advise beginning with little tasks – like a junk drawer or medicine cabinet – that won’t trigger strong emotional responses. While decluttering, ask yourself: Do we need it? Do I love it? If the answer is no, don’t keep it. Bonus: An uncluttered home is so much faster to clean! Ahhhh...we’re already breathing easier.



Photo by Deco Therapie

A Sight For Sore Eyes

Art, pattern, colour – this is where things get fun, and totally subjective. There’s no right or wrong here. If you love it, that’s all that matters. Some people are tired of white, beige or grey – colours that still dominate in design. But light, bright neutrals have a role to play, especially for people who desire a sense of space, light and visually “quiet” rooms, which are a wonderful antidote to lives inundated with screens and colourful images. Others are ready to embrace colour, and that, indeed, offers countless ways to express your personality. It’s easy to perk up your mood with paint. Light blue is said to reduce anxiety, soft greens can soothe, warm neutrals bring comfort, and energizing colours like red, pink and yellow can recharge your batteries. Or go with a white back- ground and inject colour through art and patterned fabrics. You will know what you love when you see it, and feel it!



Photo by Lauren Kolyn, Deco Therapir

Nature Nurtures

Plants bring nature into the home and help ground us; as living things, they bring out our ability to nurture and they reward us with their vitality. Do some research on maintenance needs and choose plants that match the growing conditions in your home, as well as your level of commitment and ability. Even easier, a bouquet of blooms is an instant boost – naturally dried flowers will last even longer. When the warmer months come, consider a flower subscription to a local eco-grower.



Photo by Lauren Kolyn, Deco Therapie

Change Will Do You Good

A whole-home reno is far from necessary to foster a sense of well-being inside your own front door. A little spruce-up and refresh of your living space doesn’t have to cost you money. Move your furniture and art around; display photos of good times, places and people that make you feel happy; arrange sentimental objects in new ways so you notice them again. Even an early spring cleaning can bring a sense of refreshing renewal to your room and your spirit!





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Decorating & Design

Easy Decorating Ideas To Boost Your Mood