Design Experts
Ask us: How tall should my Christmas tree be?

Photography, courtesy of Rona.
Design Experts
Ask us: How tall should my Christmas tree be?
Designer and Style at Home contributor Karl Lohnes solves your decorating challenges.
Question: I moved into a condo with nine-foot ceilings and would like to purchase an artificial tree with lights. How tall should it be and how many lights should it have? Angie, Calgary, via email
Answer: If you love the look of a big, grand tree, then choose one that matches your ceiling height. But do note, most trees aren’t exactly the height the box specifies. In your case, if a nine-foot tree seems daunting, opt for a 71⁄2-foot tree, which is just over two-thirds the height of your room. It will be big enough so it doesn’t look small in the room, but it will also leave breathing room between the treetop and the ceiling and allow space for a tree topper.
Artificial Pre-Lit Tree, 7 ft, Rona, $319
As for lights and decorations, consider the math. Generally, it’s 100 lights per vertical foot of the tree. For ornaments, it’s a minimum of 20 per vertical foot. Follow my rule of putting the largest ornaments on the bottom and the smallest on top, which will create good scale and proportion. These ratios apply to trees where the entire circumference of the tree will be deco- rated. If the tree is in a corner, for instance, you can assume you will decorate only three-quarters of the tree, so adjust the numbers accordingly. And don’t forget the bottom of the tree! Artificial trees tend to have ugly metal bases. Make sure to cover that with a tree skirt, faux fur throw, large basket or decorative tree collar.
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