Design Lesson

Tour the set: The Mindy Project

Tour the set: The Mindy Project

Tour the set: The Mindy Project Image by: Production designer Kathleen Widomski Author: Samantha Battistone Source: Fox Broadcasting Company

Design Lesson

Tour the set: The Mindy Project

Tour the stylish New York City apartment of The Mindy Project's Mindy Lahiri.

Mindy Lahiri's feminine Manhattan apartment might just be the most eye-catching set on television today. The glamorous one-bedroom is bursting with bold colours, patterns and an array of stylish decor accessories. Production designer Michael Gallenberg has found a way to perfectly capture Mindy's stylish personality in this space. We can't help but drool over everything from a larger-than-life tufted headboard to the pretty DwellStudio pattern fabrics seen throughout her home.

Take a peek inside this glamorous space and we guarantee you'll be binge-watching episodes on Netflix to see more of this stylish set.

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Tour the set: The Mindy Project

Mindy Lahiri's apartment

This open concept one-bedroom Manhattan apartment is home to The Mindy Project's Dr. Mindy Lahiri. Not only is it spacious, it seems to catch our attention each episode.

Image by: Production designer Michael Gallenberg By: Samantha Battistone Source: Fox Broadcasting Company





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Design Lesson

Tour the set: The Mindy Project