Classic summer lemonade

Classic summer lemonade
Ahhhhh, lemonade -- the tongue curls in anticipation of this classic summer quencher. What we know and love in both Canada and the U.S. is essentially a delicious cocktail of lemon juice drowned in sugar. But ask for "lemonade" abroad and you'll find yourself drinking a slightly different concoction.
In the U.K. they use carbonated water to mix their lemonades, while in Australia and New Zealand lemonade refers to a beverage that is lemon-flavoured, colourless and transparent -- like our Sprite. Lemonade in Finland ("limonade" or "limu") translates into any carbonated soft drink, and Brazilians go over the top with a blended shake made from unpeeled lemons, ice, cold water, sugar and sometimes cream.
>While each has its refreshing virtues, no international variation harkens memories of backyard play and summer mischief quite like our North American classic. Here are three recipes for you and your family to enjoy this summer. Bottoms up!
1 Classic Lemonade
2 Lemon Orangeade
3 Bridal Fruit Punch