Holy moley, December is a crazy time for giveaways here at Style at Home! We're giving away a
Krups small appliance suite, an
LG range from Future Shop, an
HP Mini 210 netbook, and now, a collection of cookbooks from Nigella Lawson. Ho, ho, ho! Nigella's books are the perfect companion to holiday cooking and entertaining. Her love for decadent treats and whipping up quick meals is ideal for this guilt-free time of year. Here are the books up for grabs:
Nigella Christmas Your best friend for the Christmas season -- includes cook-ahead meals, traditional turkey and vegetarian feasts.
Nigella Express The Domestic Goddess shows you how to cook a succulent meal in minutes -- includes easy-to-follow recipes and tips on keeping your pantry stocked with the essentials.
Kitchen Nigella's newest book focuses on the heart of the home -- it includes recipes and answers real-life questions, like what to feed the kids for lunch and what to do with overripe fruit. Want to win all three?
To enter, leave a comment below letting me know how you indulge during the holidays, whether it's eating all the treats you want or scheduling a spa day for yourself. Good luck!
*This contest is now closed. Winner is Jason Hudson from Toronto. Prize value: $155. Contest closes December 20th, 2010 at 11pm EST. Open to all residents of Canada, except those in Quebec. Not open to any Transcontinental Media employees, their families, or any other persons with whom they reside.*