
wooden radios by magno

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wooden radios by magno


Pump up the volume on sustainability -- Magno's AM/FM two-tone Wooden Radios are made with love (of the earth!) and a commitment to building sustainable jobs and forestry in Indonesia.

Based out of the small Indonesian village of Kandangan, the man behind Magno, Singgih S. Kartono, builds sustainable industry through carpentry and craft -- the radios are made by farm labourers-cum-craftsmen in communities hit hard by declining agriculture.

Kartono fights for forests by raising community awareness (for example, by starting a tree-planting program with the local high school by making his radios with only locally harvested new-growth wood, and replanting every tree used by Magno).

"As a wood consumer, I feel morally responsible for replacing the wood I`ve used," Kartono says. "Currently, Kandangan has almost no forest land. The population is about 4,000 people. If we were to employ the whole population of Kandangan, we would abolish unemployment but most important, for every [person] we employ, we`d generate more woods through our forest regeneration programs."

Pairing retro charm with social and environmental sustainability, these radios are playing my tune!

Available at: www.ministryoftheinterior.net

Price: $235 small (5 x 7.5 x 3.75"), $295 medium (7.5 x 7.5 x 4.25"), $352 large (7.5 x 12.25 x 4.25") More Information: www.magno-design.com


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wooden radios by magno