Food & Drink
happy national chocolate chip cookie day

Food & Drink
happy national chocolate chip cookie day
So, our friendly neighbours to the south are celebrating National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day today. That was pretty pleasant news to wake up to this morning! And even though in Canada, this is not a nationally recognized day to hail the chocolate chip, I say, why miss out on such a good thing? So, in honour of National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, I thought I'd share the recipe for the BEST EVER chocolate chip cookies. No seriously, that's what they're called.
The recipe is from Canadian Living and is actually called the
Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies. And I couldn't agree more. So if you don't have any plans tonight, I suggest going home and whipping up a batch. They're amazing and I'm pretty sure this will become your go-to recipe.
Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!
