Food & Drink
traditional yule logs done untraditionally

Food & Drink
traditional yule logs done untraditionally
I love a yule log but I can never get it right when I bake it myself. The cake is either too thick or too thin, and it always cracks when I roll it. To save myself the trouble and time, I buy my yule logs now and jazz them up a bit with some special touches. Here are two of my favourite tricks:
Transform it! Cover each slice in roasted nuts, coconut or anything else you and your guests like. You can even set out bowls of toppings on the table and let your guests create something that's truly their own. Be sure to have these favourites on hand: mini chocolate chips, almond slivers, pecans and white chocolate shavings. For the kids, try gummy worms - they’ll love pretending it’s a real log!
Stack it! Buy two different yule logs. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are my favourites. Put one slice on a plate, cover the slice in whipped cream, sprinkle nuts on top and then layer on the second piece of cake. I like to create four alternating layers, but go as high as you like. Drizzle your favourite sauce over top and ta-dah! A vertical yule log!
Marla Kravice is the President of Baker Street.
