DIY Projects
Project: Notice board

Project: Notice board
DIY Projects
Project: Notice board
At last—a stylish bulletin board that will look as good in your living room as in a home office. The frame, found in a thrift shop, is made out of old pine molding. It's been painted with layers of latex in varying shades of white for a mellowed look. Old family photos and personal mementos can be tucked throughout the ribbons without damage from pins and layred and changed as new favourites arrive.
You will need
Empty frame
Foamcore board
Synthetic batting
Cotton ticking
Package tape
Map pins
Step 1: Start with three layers of materials. Cut the foamcore board and the batting to fit your frame. Cut the ticking 4 inches (10 cm) wider all around than the foamcore.
Step 2: Wrap the ticking tautly around the foamcore, sandwiching the batting between them. Tuck the corners in neatly to form a miter; trimming the excess fabric first. Secure the ticking with small pieces of tape.
Step 3: To attach the ribbon in a diagonal pattern, work from the front of the board. Secure the pieces at each end on the edge of the board with map pins, pulling them taut and allowing enough ribbon to overlap to the back of the board.
Step 4: When you are happy that the ribbons are evenly spaced, wrap the ends around to the back of the board and secure them with small pieces of tape. Then remove the map pins from the edge of the board and insert them into the front of the board at the point s where the ribbons cross, pushing them all the way in.
Step 5: Push the completed board into the frame, and finish it with package tape, making sure you seal the raw edges of the ticking and the ribbon.
Excerpted from A Home for All Seasons by Kristen Perers, photography by James Merrell. Copyright 1998 by Kristin Perers and Ryland Peters and Small. Excerpted with permission by Ryland Peters and Small. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.