DIY Projects
Project: Spring Pansy Vase

Project: Spring Pansy Vase
DIY Projects
Project: Spring Pansy Vase
So simple, so sweet. Make one of these for someone special (could be you) or make enough to place one by every setting at your table. Fill the vase with lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, or rosebuds as the season passes.
• Small needle-nose pliers
• 1 blown egg, clean and dry
• Epoxy glue
• Salt well or other small dish, for the base
• Small, single-stem flowers, such as pansies or violas
• Card stock for tag (optional)
1 Using the pliers, gently chip away the shell around the hole in the top of the egg, enlarging it to the size of a pea.
2 To make the vase watertight, put a small dot of epoxy glue over the hole in the bottom of the egg. Let it dry.
3 Fill the vase with water. Set it on the base.
4 Arrange a few small flowers in the vase.
5 Create a paper tag with a seasonal thought or the name of a guest or recipient of a gift, if desired.
Tip: We chose a salt well to support the vase. You can use an egg cup, a small vase, or even a demitasse cup. Fill the container with salt or sand to steady the vase if it doesn't stand upright.
Excerpted from Easter Eggs: 40 Fabulous Projects for the Whole Family by Matthew Mead. Copyright 2007 by Matthew Mead and Downtown Bookworks Inc. Excerpted with permission by Chronicle Books. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced without permission in writing from the publisher.