Real Estate

This is the best time to buy and sell a home

When is the best time to buy and sell a home?

  Image by: Alena Darmel/Pexels

Real Estate

This is the best time to buy and sell a home

No matter what stage of life you’re at, buying or selling a house is a big change—both financially and emotionally. Sometimes you just have to take the leap, but if you have the ability to plan, you might consider strategizing about when you should make your move.

So, when is the best time to buy or sell?

Spring or early summer has the highest number of listings, says Toronto-based realtor Grace Ma. In 2023, Canadian real estate sales hit their peak in June, with May and July not far behind.

This high inventory can be great for buyers, giving them the luxury of choice.

Homes also tend to show better in the warmer months—think a garden in full bloom, neighbours walking around outside, and sunlight streaming in through the windows. 

That said, the busiest time of the real estate year creates more competition for sellers, says Ma. “If you can list during the winter, you won’t have as many competitors, but you also might not have as many buyers.”

Though the market is undoubtedly most active before school is back in session, Ma says the most important thing every buyer and seller should consider is why they’re moving. This could be downsizing, upsizing, relocating, or a whole range of other factors.

Every seller has their own reasons to sell,” she says. “It really depends on your needs.”


Tips to help you sell




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Real Estate

This is the best time to buy and sell a home