
10 thoughtful guest room essentials that go the extra mile

10 guest room essentials that go the extra mile

Image by: West Elm


10 thoughtful guest room essentials that go the extra mile

Create a welcoming, cozy place for guests with a few special, thoughtful touches.

Inviting overnight guests to your home is one thing. Actually making them feel welcome during their stay is another thing altogether. Thoughtful touches and small details can go a long way toward making your guest feel comfortable. So the next time you throw open the doors to your casa for a friend or family member, go the extra mile to make their stay a pleasant one. But don’t go too far – you don’t want them to feel so comfortable they never leave!

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10 thoughtful guest room essentials that go the extra mile

1 Warm throw

In case of chilly nights, make sure your guests are warm enough. A spare throw strewn across the bed means they won’t have to ask you for an extra blanket in the middle of the night. Textured Stripe Throw, West Elm, US$49.

Read more: West Elm throw
Source: West Elm


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10 thoughtful guest room essentials that go the extra mile