
4 steps to a chic and organized home office

4 steps to a chic and organized home office

Give your office space an update with these helpful design tips. Author: Donna Griffith


4 steps to a chic and organized home office

Faced with space constraints and a tricky layout, Style at Home research editor Mary Levitski outsources the design of her home office to two highly qualified colleagues.

Handed a blank canvas of builder-basic white walls and wood-look vinyl flooring, Style at Home design editor Stacy Begg and associate design editor Morgan Lindsay had their work cut out for them. “Priority one? Visually separate the den from the rest of the condo,” says Stacy. “It needed an accent wall.” After much searching, the duo found the right fit in a bold blueprint-esque wallpaper that even my picky husband, Greg Davidovitch (the construction manager at Penguin Basements), couldn’t turn down. They further delineated the room with a large rug and a custom L-shaped desk that optically extends the line of one of the partitions.

Having crafted a box to think within, Stacy and Morgan tackled their second deliverable: The space needed to work double duty as a storage area, particularly for overflow from the adjacent cramped kitchen. Using prefab cabinetry, they erected a huge storage unit along the back wall. Two-thirds of it acts as a pantry, while the rest is dedicated to keeping work necessities handy and organized.

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4 steps to a chic and organized home office

Design challenge

I wanted to carve out a dedicated office space in my tiny one-bedroom Toronto condo. The den was the obvious spot, but it lacked size and privacy.

Image by: Style at Home By: Mary Levitski Source: Donna Griffith



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4 steps to a chic and organized home office