Buying Guides

deciding on artwork

Style at Home
Buying Guides

deciding on artwork

Most of the hard work is done on my condo and now my wonderful designer Lisa and I are moving on to the fun stuff - accessorizing and taking care of the details. I've definitely stretched myself beyond my budget and Lisa keeps admonishing me, reminding me that it's better to spend my money on items I really love and that will service me best, rather than cheaping out. {Sigh.} I know she's right. When it comes to artwork, I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to hang on the walls. I don't like hanging art for the sake of hanging art. I feel that the things you choose to hang on your walls should mean something - art to me is more than a form of decorating; I feel it speaks to who you are. So with this in mind, Lisa and I decided to create an art display featuring some of my favourite photographs taken on my travels around the world. We headed over to Walmart to find frames ... budget-friendly frames; yay! lisa-walmart Here's Lisa in Walmart, contemplating ways to arrange the frames! framesWe took the frames home and continued to play with the configuration. We haven't hung them yet and are still deciding on which photos to use. This is yet another element of my new space that I can't wait to see completed. Inexpensive frames and personal photographs make this an easy but beautiful way to adorn my walls with artwork that is meaningful to me.


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Buying Guides

deciding on artwork