Stores We Love
my european adventure: parisian inspiration
Stores We Love
my european adventure: parisian inspiration
My first day in Paris was a long, but worthwhile whirlwind. After traveling for 16 hours, including flights and layovers, I arrived with several other members of
Trafalgar tour group. I had just enough time to drop off my bags at the hotel (and try to convince myself I really was in Paris) before heading out to acquaint myself with the city.
So what’s the first thing you do in Paris? Eat
crepes, of course! I was fortunate to be with a Paris aficionado who knew the perfect, delicious hot spot for a sweet local treat – Creposuk. No personal guide? Ask any hotel concierge. But really, it's a crepe in paris, you can't go wrong! So rather than nap at the
hotel, this is where our little jet lagged group tucked ourselves into a table for a French feast of sugar and caffeine.
To avoid a sugar-induced nap we took to the streets. I was amazed at how central all the landmarks were. In a matter of hours I felt like a seasoned traveler of the city, walking past and through many of the tourist sights - Notre Dame, Arc de triomphe, the Louvre, Grand Palais, Pont Alexandre III, and the Eiffel Tower (
of course).
But what
really consumed me was the incredible detail of the city. The cobble-stoned streets, roman architecture, and trimmed tree-lined paths... As I walked through small, hidden side streets I realized I became mute. I looked around at my fellow wanderers and we all felt the same thing:
this city silences you.
Where's the most inspirational place you've been?