
11 Ways To Clean Your Home Using White Vinegar

11 Ways To Clean Your Home Using White Vinegar

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch, Pexels


11 Ways To Clean Your Home Using White Vinegar

White vinegar really is a miracle cleaner.

White vinegar is a must-have in your cleaning kit. It's colourless, leaves no trace or staining on surfaces and it's acidity gives it antiseptic and disinfectant properties that work miracles!

You can use white vinegar to clean up grease, shine surfaces and even remove odours.

Here are 11 ways we use it as a miracle cleaner at home:


1. Clean cutting boards

If you can't get colourful stain off your cutting board, use white vinegar and a sponge to do some scrubbing.


2. Descale kettle and coffee maker

Pour half a bottle of white vinegar into the kettle and turn it on. Then let it sit for a few hours before rinsing. For the coffee maker, do the same thing, but then run the appliance two cycles in a row with water to rinse the appliance thoroughly.


3. Make dishes shine

After washing your glasses, rinse them with white vinegar. You can also pour some into the rinse aid compartment in your dishwasher. 


4. Clean your microwave

A bowl of water mixed with white vinegar will remove all of the stains in your microwave. Place the bowl in the appliance and run it for 5 minutes. The steam will then allow you to clean the walls of the appliance with a sponge, without having to scrub. 


5. Remove stains from a carpet

Dilute white vinegar in water and use this mixture to scrub stains on carpets and sofas. 


6. Degrease a pan

Bring a small amount of white vinegar to the boil in the bottom of the pan. Cover. When it is degreased, all you have to do is rinse it.


7. Eliminate bad odours in pipes

Sometimes the drains in the kitchen and bathroom give off a smell. Use white vinegar to remedy this. Pour a cup of white vinegar down your drains, it will make all the difference!


8. Clean the washing machine

Pour two cups of white vinegar into your washing machine and run a cycle without clothes in hot water. This will leave your machine clean and as good as new. 


9. Clean Toilet bowl stains

Pour three cups of white vinegar into the toilet, add a few spoonfuls of baking soda and let it sit overnight. The next morning, brush it to remove stubborn odours and stains.


10. Clean windows

In a spray bottle, pour 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts water. Use this product to clean your windows, they will be translucent again.


11. Remove rust

Soak rusty objects in a basin of white vinegar. If the rust is present on a surface, you can use a cloth soaked in the product and rub gently. 




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11 Ways To Clean Your Home Using White Vinegar