Tips & Tricks

12 tips for reducing your electricity bill

12 tips for reducing your electricity bill

Photography, Towfiqu Barbhuiya,

Tips & Tricks

12 tips for reducing your electricity bill

Want to save money? With a few simple and affordable changes, you can make a significant impact on your energy consumption and lower your monthly bill.

Here are some practical tips to help you efficiently manage your electricity usage and ease the pressure on your wallet.

1. Replace your Shower Head

Switching to a more efficient shower head can significantly cut your water usage. If your current shower head was installed after 1990, a minute of hot water use equates to just over 90 kWh per year. Choosing a WaterSense®-approved model can reduce water flow by up to 40%.

2. Opt for Showers Over Baths

While baths can be relaxing, they can be costly because of all the hot water. Water heaters account for up to 20% of our energy use. Showers (5 to 8 minutes) use significantly less water—about half that of a bath, which requires at least 150 litres. You can further reduce hot water usage by installing a flow switch on your shower head to turn the water off while soaping up.

3. Update Your Lighting

Lighting makes up 5 to 10% of our electricity bill. You can reduce this by replacing incandescent or halogen bulbs with energy-efficient LED or compact fluorescent bulbs. Consider using motion detector lights outside to save energy by having them only turn on when needed.

4. Choose Energy-Efficient Cooking Methods

How you cook impacts your energy consumption. Microwaves use 10 times less energy than traditional ovens. Slow cookers, pressure cookers and toaster ovens are also more energy-efficient than conventional stoves.

5. Use Appliances Wisely

Appliances account for up to 10% of our electricity bill. Surprisingly, using a dishwasher can be more energy-efficient than hand washing. For most loads, a short cycle will suffice. Reconsider the necessity of a second fridge in the basement, as it can add $100 to $150 to your annual energy bill.

6. Eliminate Phantom Loads

Many electronics consume power even when turned off, known as 'phantom power.' Prevent this by using power strips that you can easily switch off. This is particularly useful for home entertainment systems and computers.

7. Use Smart Power Strips

If unplugging devices individually is inconvenient, connect them to a smart power strip. These can be turned off with a single button when you're leaving your home.

8. Utilize Solar Energy

Take advantage of free solar energy by opening curtains during the day to let in light and warmth and closing them at night to retain heat. Windows can account for 15 to 20% of heat loss, so maximizing solar gain is beneficial. Remove mosquito screens in winter and lock windows for better insulation.

9. Control Humidity

High humidity levels increase energy consumption. Keep indoor humidity between 30 and 50%. When cooking or taking long showers, use the range hood or open a window briefly to reduce humidity. Cold air is drier and more energy-efficient to heat.

10. Program Your Thermostats

Replacing old thermostats with electronic ones can save up to 10% on heating bills. These thermostats are programmable, allowing you to lower the temperature at night and when you're away, reducing energy consumption without sacrificing comfort.

11. Prevent Air Infiltration

Heating can account for over 50% of our electricity bill. Reduce heat loss by sealing air leaks. Use weatherstripping around doors, caulk window frames, insulate electrical box plates and seal ventilation joints of dryer ducts, bathroom fans and range hoods.

12. Rethink the Wood-Burning Fireplace

Wood-burning fireplaces are less cost-effective and more polluting than electric heating. With the rising cost of firewood, electric heating is now a more economical and environmentally friendly option.





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12 tips for reducing your electricity bill